My first Crossfit competition

So last Saturday I competed in my first Crossfit competition and let me start by saying I did not do well. We placed 43 out 69. Like I said, we did not do well. That being said, we had a ton of fun.

I dragged my butt out of bed at 6:15am on Saturday morning. I had my bag packed already and my boyfriend was volunteering so we packed some blankets and chairs and headed out. We got down to the event at about 7:20am, set up our area, and I met up with my partner. I would like to point out, it was about the dead in winter in south Florida, a very windy 60 degrees. That may seem warm to some of you, but I can promise you it was freezing and my Floridian blood is thin. Our team name was “Where’s The Wine” and the events were in alphabetical order so we were in the last heat every time. Our first workout was at 10:30am so we waited around till then. Our first workout was:

50 hurdle hop buy-in each
20 pull-ups (from a box)
30 meter shuttle run
20 pull-ups
20 kettlebell swings (35lbs)
30 meter shuttle run
20 pull-ups
20 kettle bell swings
20 knees over hips
30 meter shuttle run
20 pull-ups
20 kettle bell swings
20 knees over hips
20 kettle bell goblet lunges
50 deadlifts (85lbs)

We finished in 8:43. I thought that was a good time but not great. Our second event was at 12:15 and was max distance broad jump and max 1 arm snatch. Your score was your max in each thing combined with your partners. This was the most ridiculous event. I can’t even tell you how far we got and I only remember my snatch was 50lbs. We never do one arm snatches in the gym and I think this was an extremely dangerous event to have at a competition. My partner and I agree to not push ourselves too hard before we even got there. Better to be uninjured and lose, than injure ourselves and probably still lose. Again, I want to make this clear, this was the stupidest exercise they could have had.

Our third event was a thruster relay at 1:30. We were the only heat going and everyone was watching our group of 6 teams. It was set up that partner one goes in each section then partner two:

4 facing the bar burpees
30 meter dumbbell farmers carry  (15lbs)
15 dumbbell thrusters
30 meter dumbbell farmers carry

4 facing the bar burpees
30 meter kettle bell farmers carry  (18lbs)
12 kettle bell thrusters
30 meter kettle bell farmers carry

4 facing the bar burpees
30 meter over the head bar carry (45lbs)
9 thrusters
30 meter over the head bar carry

We finished in 6:15. It may not have been the fastest, but I was extremely happy with this time. I am no longer sore from this event and I am really happy I did it. We obviously didn’t make the finals. I wish the one arm snatch wasn’t there, but oh well, it was fun.

Has anyone else competed in a Crossfit event?

The New Year

Ringing in the new year always seems to promise hope of a new tomorrow, and a new way of life. The simple fact of it is though, that the same concerns/issues/setbacks will still be present in the morning. Resolutions are great, as long as you put them into practice.

Today marks exactly two weeks since New Year’s Eve. Last night, I went out for girl’s night where we discussed a couple of our resolutions. 13 days into the new year and they were already falling apart. I refuse to let mine fall apart. 2016 is a new and exciting year for me and my resolutions are part of it. I am doing great at work, started school pursuing something I actually enjoy learning about, and my running has never been better. I don’t have too many resolutions, but they are:

  1. Pay off debt (isn’t this everyone’s resolution?)
  2. Run the Twin Cities Marathon in Minneapolis, MN on October 9, 2016
  3. Run the Space Coast Half Marathon in under 2:10:00
  4. Save $7,000 in addition to retirement savings

I wasn’t lying, I only have four. But they will be four that I complete (unless I tragically break my ankle and can’t run, I’ll be running that dang marathon).

So I ask you, what will you do with your “fresh start”?